Wired Home Alarm VS Wireless Home Alarm Systems

In the “old” days all security systems were hard wired systems. This means that all of the alarm devices were physically connected by wire. This wire runs from the security panel to all of the door and window contacts and all of the motion sensors. These systems also had an alarm panel that was usually located in a hall closet or possibly in the attic. The keypad also had a minimum of a 4 wire conductor run to the control panel. These types of systems are still in use today and are widespread across the country.Disadvantages of a Wired Alarm SystemAn alarm system of this type has all of the features of a wireless alarm system so as far as features they can compete head to head. The problem with these systems is that a wire must be run from the control panel to any new device. This made it very tough for a Do It Yourselfer to install a security system. There is also the issue of potential damage to the physical piece of wire. The wire can be gnawed on by rodents or broken by other contractors that are in your attic for unrelated repairs. These types of repairs can be very costly because there can be a fair amount of troubleshooting involved. The actual repair can be minor but the time involved in finding what to repair can take hours.Wireless Security Alarm SystemsA wireless alarm system has a huge advantage over a wired system in that new alarm system devices can be added very easy. Even a Do It Yourselfer can add devices as needed. There are also no wires involved except for the wire to power the control panel. All of the wireless devices are operated by battery. These batteries can last for a year or more. The system is supervised so any tampering with the devices will be detected. When the batteries are getting too low to operate there is a trouble generated to notify you that it is time to change the batteries. This is very easy to do by the alarm system owner so there is not a need to make a call for service if you are just a little handy. There are no wires to speak of so there can be no damage to them.Disadvantages of a Wireless Alarm SystemThe wireless alarm system operates with batteries and even though they do last a long time they will still need to be changed at some point. If you have a large number of home security devices then the expense should be taken into account as part of the cost of maintaining the system. Another potential problem with a wireless system is the range of the alarm devices. Depending on the construction of the home or business there may be some difficulty in the control panel receiving the signal. The range can be a limitation in larger homes and might require a wireless repeater. This will increase the signal range of your wireless alarm devices but does add additional cost to the cost of the system.Hybrid Alarm SystemsThese systems are a combination of wireless and wired systems. Most wired alarm panels can be made into a hybrid type panel. You can add a module that will communicate with the wired panel and allow you to add wireless devices. There are also wireless panels that have devices that can utilize wired zones. If you have a number of wired zones already in place and you want to upgrade to a wireless system this can easily be done by using a door contact that will accommodate a fixed magnetic sensor.All in all a wireless system is much more versatile than a wired alarm system. Many alarm companies will want to install a wired system because they are using subcontractors and do not care about the amount of labor to install the system since they are paying a flat rate. If you do your home work and decide that you do want to have a wireless alarm system then do not allow yourself to be convinced that the wired is better.

What Is Difference Between Education (Formal/Non Formal) and Intelligence?

The history of education is as early as the history of man’s in the grassland of eastern Africa, in the valleys in Ethiopia, when early man was passing knowledge, skills and attitude from older generation to the younger generation, even when they were roaming the grassland of Africa, that was the earliest form of education.When cultures began to extend their knowledge beyond the basic skills of communicating, trading, gathering food, religious practices, etc., formal education and schooling, eventually followed. Schooling was in place in Egypt between 3000 and 500BC. And the oldest University in the world is the University of Kaureem, Morocco founded in1088Adults trained the young of their society in the knowledge and skills they would need to master and eventually pass on. The evolution of culture, and human beings as a species depended on this practice of transmitting knowledge. In the early societies this was done orally and through imitation.Story telling continued from one generation to the next. Oral language developed into written symbols and letters. The depth and breadth of knowledge that could be preserved and passed soon increased exponentially.Formal education is any form of instruction or education provided by a recognized, structure institutions teaching courses or even at home, following a planned course of study. Most formal education is classroom-based, provided by trained or specialized instructors. As normally used, the term formal education refers to the structured educational system.The term non-formal education is used to distinguish formal education from self-education obtained through personal experiences, life and general reading. In contrast, non-formal education refers to education that takes place outside of the formally organized schooling system. This type of education is called non-formal because; it is not compulsory and it does not lead to formal certifications and mostly acquired outside the so-called school structured system.The word education is derived from educare (Latin) “bring up”, which is related to educere “bring out”, “bring forth what is within”, “bring out potential” and ducere, “to lead”Education is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another. The education training is chiefly from the old to the younger generation. Education helps you with your thought process and decision making abilities. Education gives you a solid foundation that you can build upon. Education is not just the piece of paper called diploma, they are those things you bump into during the process that enlightens your mind, which in turns tiger the intellect in you. That is the benefit of an educational process. The things you stumble into during the process.Both formal and informal education settings offer different strengths to the education of the society at large. One of the dangers of formal education is that we are program to follow, instead of leading. Where the acquired education transfers to intelligence is when you create.Intelligence on the other hand, is the ability to comprehend; the ability of the mind comprehending related abilities, such as the capacities for abstract thinking (Critical thinking), think rationally, thought, reasoning, planning and problem solving, to understand and profit from experience gathered. Inshore, intelligence is what you do with what you know to achieve the some form of goal.You can go to all the finest schools, colleges and universities; you cannot get a diploma for intelligence. You develop intelligence, however, a solid education enhances your intelligence. Intelligence is like creativity, you have it or you don’t. You cannot teach creativity, you can only enhance it. Similarly, intelligence in an innate ability you have that can be enhanced with solid education.As someone put it perfectly well, “Formal education makes you a living while self education, makes you a fortune”. That is what you call Intelligence.

Small Business Finance – The Next Big Banking Problem?

For the past year, most banks and lenders have been subject to both disastrous operating results and negative publicity. Actual commercial lending activity reported by banks conflicts with the usual attempt by politicians and bankers to portray banks as normal and healthy. Most bank financial results have been disappointing after working hard to solve massive residential loan problems. It is reasonable to ask if commercial banking has more potential disasters about to emerge based on what has been seen and reported so far.Based on a number of business financing statistics, commercial lending to small businesses is already on life support. In many cases, without government bailouts many commercial banks would have already failed. As bad as that perspective might sound, this report will provide an even more negative outlook for the future of small business finance programs. Unfortunately for banks and lenders, it does appear that business loans will be the next big problem.During the past year or so, several banking problems have received significant publicity. The largely avoidable difficulties were primarily tied to increasing home foreclosures which in turn caused various investments tied to home loans to decrease in value. Such investments lost value so rapidly that they became known as toxic assets. When banks stopped making many loans (including small business financing), the federal government provided bailout funding to many banks to enable them to keep operating. While most observers would argue that the bailouts were made with the implicit understanding that bank lending would resume in some normal fashion, the banks seem to be hoarding these taxpayer-provided funds for a rainy day. By almost any objective standard, commercial lending activities have all but abandoned small business finance needs.Small business financing appears to already look like the next big problem based on commercial finance statistics recently released by many banks. The general decline in commercial real estate values during the past several years is a major factor in this conclusion. Because many large commercial real estate owners could not make their commercial mortgage loan payments or refinance business debt, this has resulted in some significant bankruptcies. The resulting bank losses are clearly having an impact now on commercial lending to small business owners even though these difficulties were primarily happening with large real estate owners and did not usually involve small businesses.Bank losses on large commercial real estate loans have caused many banks to reduce or stop their small business financing activities, and this has clear similarities to the earlier situation of residential mortgage loan toxic assets causing banks to stop normal lending because of capital shortages. The bank losses from large commercial property investors are producing a ripple effect that has caused small business financing to effectively disappear until further notice. While small business owners did not cause this problem, they are suffering the immediate consequences when banks are unable or unwilling to provide normal levels of commercial financing to them. This bad situation is made even worse when we learn that many banks are hoarding cash and approving fewer commercial loans to allow them to quickly pay bailout funds back to the federal government. The primary logic for this approach is that it will allow banks to resume excessive bonuses and compensation to their executives.Unfortunately one problem will lead to another, as is common with complex circumstances. The failure to obtain normal business financing will most likely lead to an increasing number of commercial loan defaults by small businesses. Prudent business owners should begin to take action now in a timely manner to avoid such negative consequences. The most serious small business finance problems can be anticipated and avoided with appropriate action.Even if they do nothing else, business owners should have a straightforward conversation with a small business finance expert to assess how exposed their business might be to the brewing commercial banking problems. If recent events are any indication, the banks themselves will not be very forthcoming about problems with their commercial lending practices. For many small businesses, the most objective business financing expert is not likely to be their current banker. To increase the chances that they receive sufficient small business loans in the face of ongoing lending problems, a healthy amount of skepticism and caution will be helpful for business owners.